The breed was recognized by the International Cynological Federation in 2006 under the name “Russian that smooth-haired” and “Russian that long-haired”.
Country of origin: Russia.
Date of publication : 21.02.06.
Application : companion dog.
Classification: Group 9, companion dogs. Section 9, Continental Toy Spaniels and Russian Toy. Without working tests.
General view . A small, elegant dog, mobile, high-legged, with thin skeleton and dry muscles. The sexual type is weakly morphologically expressed.
Important proportions. The format is square. The height to the elbows is slightly more than half the height at the withers. The chest is deep enough.
Behavior / temperament. Active, very cheerful, not cowardly and not spiteful. The nature of males and females is markedly different.
Head: in comparison with the body is small.
Cranial part : the skull is tall, but not too wide (the width in the cheekbones does not exceed the height of the skull). The transition from the forehead to the muzzle: clearly expressed.
The front part :
– the nose of the nose is small, black or in color;
– muzzle is dry, pointed, somewhat shorter than the skull;
– lips thin, dry, tightly fitting, dark or in color;
– jaws, teeth: small, white, scissor bite. In each jaw, the absence of no more than two incisors is permissible;
– cheekbones flat, slightly expressed;
– The eyes are rather large, rounded, slightly convex, wide and straight, dark;
– eyelids dark or in the tone of color, tightly fitting;
ears are large, thin, high set, standing.
Neck. Long, dry, high-set, slightly curved.
Body :
– the top line smoothly falls from the withers to the base of the tail;
– withers slightly expressed;
– Back strong, straight;
– Short loin, slightly convex;
– the croup is somewhat rounded and slightly inclined;
– The chest is deep enough, not very wide, oval in shape;
– the bottom line: the stomach is tightened, the groin is selected, form a smooth and beautifully curved line.
The tail . Briefly docked (leave 2-3 vertebrae), the dog holds it up. Undocked tail is crescent shaped. It should not fall below the level of the back. In countries where tipping is prohibited by law, it remains in its natural state.
Передние конечности:
– стройные и сухие, при осмотре спереди – прямые и параллельные;
– лопатки умеренной длины, расположены не слишком наклонно;
– плечи по длине приблизительно равны лопаткам; углы плечелопаточных сочленений приблизительно 105 градусов;
– локти направлены строго назад;
– предплечья длинные, прямые;
– запястья сухие;
– пясти почти отвесные;
– лапы небольшие, овальные, сводистые, в комке, направлены вперёд; когти черные или в тон окраса; подушечки упругие, черные или в тон окраса.
Задние конечности: при осмотре сзади прямые и параллельные, поставлены чуть шире передних. Все углы коленных и скакательных суставов достаточно выражены.
– hips with dry, but well-developed musculature;
– the shanks along the length are equal to the thighs;
– hock joints with sufficient angulation;
– The pushers are placed vertically to the ground;
– paws are arched, slightly narrower than the forelegs; Claws and pads are black or in tone.
Movement. Free, straightforward, fast. The silhouette of a dog differs little in statics and in motion.
Leather . Thin, dry, tight fitting to the body.
Coat : two varieties: smooth-wool and long-haired.
– smooth-wool: short, tight-fitting, shiny, without undercoat and bald spots;
– Longhair: the body is covered with a moderately long (3-5 cm) straight or slightly wavy, contiguous hair that does not hide the natural contours of the body. The wool on the head, the front side of the limbs, is short and tight. On the back side of the limbs – well-defined strips. On all the legs is an elongated silky coat completely concealing its claws. The ears are covered with thick and long hair in the form of fringe. In adult dogs over three years of fringe must completely hide the outer edges and tips of the ears. Wool on the trunk should not look ruffled or too short (less than 2 cm).
Color . * Black and tan, brown-tan, blue-tan. Also red of any shade with or without black or with a brown coating. At any color, a more saturated tone is preferred.
Height and weight . Height at the withers in males and females is 20-28 cm. Deviations of +/- 1 cm are permissible. Weight in males and females is up to 3 kg.
Disadvantages. Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which this fault should be assessed should be in proportion to its degree of expression, and to its effect on the health and welfare of the dog:
– timidity;
– direct bite or alveolar inclination of incisors;
– semi-erect ears. If this is caused in a long-haired variety by weighting them with wool, then this is permissible, but undesirable;
– low set tail;
– presence of bald areas in a smooth-wool variety;
– excessively long or too short hair on the trunk of the long-haired variety;
– small white markings on the chest and fingers;
– colors: completely black, brown, blue, excessive amount of scorching, as well as darkened scorpions.
Дисквалифицирующие пороки:
– агрессивность, трусливость;
– перекус, выраженный недокус, отсутствие 1 клыка или более 2 резцов в любой челюсти;
– висячие уши;
– коротконогость;
– у гладкошерстных – залысины в большом количестве;
– у длинношерстных – отсутствие украшающей шерсти на ушах, курчавость;
– белый окрас, белые пятна на голове, животе, выше пясти, большие белые пятна на груди и горле, наличие тигровин;
– рост более 30 см или ниже 18 см;
– вес меньше 1 кг.
Любая собака, явно показывающая физические или поведенческие отклонения, должна быть дисквалифицирована.
Примечание: кобели должны иметь два явно нормальных семенника, полностью опущенных в мошонку.
По поводу куцехвостости: ввиду крайней редкости данного факта в породе, куцехвостость не упоминается в стандарте. Целесообразно, как во всех породах, не имеющих в стандарте куцехвостость, относиться к куцехвостости как к биологическому пороку. Следовательно, куцехвостые от рождения собаки не могут претендовать на участие в разведении, рожденные куцехвостыми щенки являются племенным браком.
Decisions of the RKF Standards Committees and the RKF Presidium of 24.12.2009 in the Standard of the Russian toia were supplemented in the section “Colors”. These additions are not currently included in the FCI Standard and are valid only in the territory of the Russian Federation at all exhibitions, except for the International Level exhibitions – CACIB.
COLOR: black and tan, brown-tan, blue-tan, lilac-tan. Red of any shade with or without black, fawn, cream. The same colors with a brown, blue or purple bloom. At any color, a more saturated tone is preferred. Tan dogs should have the right tattoo pattern. Nose, lips, eyelids, claws and paw pads are black or in color.
The colors are completely black, brown, blue and lilac, temperamental and zonal. Excess tanning, blurred or darkened tan marks.
· White, spotted and piebald colors, white spots on the head, abdomen, above the pastern, large white patches on the chest and throat. Marble color. Presence of tigrovin.
* Extras:
List of breeds of the Russian breed of the same Mrs. and Mrs..
As standard:
– black and tan
– brown-tan
– blue-tan
– lilac-tan
– red
– red with black
– red with brown
– red with blue
– red with lilac
– fawn (clarified dogs with a black or asphalt nose)
– cream (clarified dogs with a brown or purple nose).
As undesirable, but allowed by the Standard:
– black
– brown
– blue
– lilac
– zoned
– capricious
As disqualifying, marked “non-standard color”:
– any colors with tigroviny
– marble
– piebald
– spotted
– white